

Since childhood, I have struggled greatly with containing the intense ups and downs I face as a highly sensitive human, as well as finding my place in the world as queer woman. I find myself relying on the relationships I form with others to help me find a balance between euphoria and depression as well as my identity which lives somewhere between femininity and queerness. This balance is something that is continuously unfolding and evolving. The work I create is based on this evolution along with the emotional baggage we inevitably carry as human beings and the ways in which we learn to lean on one another. I focus on portraiture in my work because I see it as a collaborative social practice where I am able to capture images that accurately represent those close to me as well as the level of intimacy our relationship holds. I hope to create images where the viewer can feel as though they too are a part of the conversation captured in the image. I make portraits of the people in my life that I have formed deep connections with as well as self portraiture in an attempt to gain a better understanding of our place in the world, how our deepest feelings dictate how we perceive it, and our need for human connection.